Thursday, March 10, 2011

graduate school???

This is a post by Kelechi Anyadiegwu of ICT4Change - Being the Change the Best Way I Know How.

For about half of a year now, I have been researching graduate schools. I realize that the best way to enter the field of ICT4D is to learn from some of the best ICT4D researchers in the world. One thing I realized with the field of ICT4D is that it is not about finding degrees in ICT4D it is about finding you niche and making a contribution to the ICT4D field. ICT4D is a broad field, there are many sectors with the field (m4d, health informatics, agriculture, etc) My contribution is HCI!

Here is a list of schools with great ICT4D resources in the US. Please suggest more if you know any!

Georgia Institute of Technology – Michael Best is world renowned for his work with sustainability and human computer interaction in the ICT4D context -

University of California, Berkeley – Name should say enough, quality school =quality education! Within the iSchool there is the ICTD center. -

Carnegie Mellon University – TechBridgeWorld @ Carnegie Mellon University does some great work -

Michigan State University – Kurt Demaagd, Jenny and thier work in Tanzania -

University of Colorado, Boulder – A degree in ICTD -
Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis – Currently working on an Open MRS project -

University of Michigan - Graduate degree’s with specialization’s in Community Informatics (ICT4D) -

University of Washington – Technology and Social Change Group -

And there are many many more schools that offer ICT4D resources. I’m still searching myself. There are many more schools outside the US as well! I will post as I find.

My professor once told me that as long as a graduate program has ONE class related to ICT4D, the program was worth researching. Here is a list of ICT4D classes compiled by Revi Sterling of the ATLAS institute.