Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I thought of doing this a few days ago knowing it will totally help, in the same way that PConrad's CISC474 Wiki was an amazing way to house ass-sucking computer science-y quirkage, but from time to time (i.e. hopefully on a daily basis) I will probably post cryptic completely nondescript jargon and pictures to help me remember things I learn while I'm doing work ranging anywhere from the workings of computer languages, database management, development and debugging environments, and whatever else I feel like.

These posts are strictly my own musings and a personal attempt to increase my knowledge base. I'll be using "pseudocode" (actual code that I'll give preposterous pseudonyms, which is different from real pseudocode) in any examples or in any screenshots, and which will in no way be used for personal or commercial gain beyond that. Therein. Henceforth.

My first post will be about executing SQL commands from inside java. I also want to subsequent-post about C# function delegates, callback functions, oh and a bunch of weird stuff about Visual Studio, just off the top of my head, and indeed, the list will ever be increasing.